Agree, the most pleasant thing in the process of losing weight is melting kilograms and centimeters? What we just don’t go for the sake of these minuses and plumb lines (we even refuse cakes!) But do the cherished numbers always tell the truth about our body? How to avoid mistakes? To do this, you need to know how to fix your parameters correctly.
– When do we weigh ourselves? In the morning, on an empty stomach, after the toilet, in the same light clothing. Let the scales throughout all weighings be the same. Do not jump on them 3 times a day, paranoia sometimes adds an extra 200 g) One weigh-in per week is enough to fix the weight correctly.
– How do we measure body parameters? Of course, with the help of a centimeter tape. We are interested in: neck, wrist, shoulder, waist, hip, pelvis. The main rule for any measurement is to keep the tape parallel to the floor, apply it tightly enough to the body, but do not worry.
– The neck is measured under the Adam’s apple, the wrist is measured in a relaxed state at the thinnest point.
– Shoulder – the largest part of it (biceps) is measured in a state of tension.
– To measure the waist, exhale and hold your breath, lay the tape along the thinnest part of it, approximately just above the navel, fix the result.
– Hips are measured at the most protruding part of the buttocks. To measure your thigh, put your weight on the leg you want to measure, find the largest part (usually closer to the crotch) and lay the tape. Ready!

By the way, sometimes it happens that there are no visual changes, but the centimeter tape says the opposite.